Staying At Home Changing Remodeling
The Covid-19 health crisis is changing the way we work and live. Any shortcomings in your home that previously bothered you, may now be amplified as you spend more time living, working, playing, cooking, exercising and perhaps even home-schooling, in your living space.
“We’re seeing tremendous interest in accessory dwelling units (ADUs), as well as garage conversions, as families look to create more living space,” shares Barbara Miller, Neil Kelly Design Director.
Multi-generational living is on the rise and some adult children and college students are returning home for economic, employment or educational reasons. As Barbara shares, “I was almost an empty nester and now I have three adult children back home.” ADUs can help fill this need as well as generate rental income later.

Above: A covered deck with an integrated kitchen provides an outdoor getaway even in blustery Pacific Northwest weather.
Certain types of remodeling projects are emerging as a priority for homeowners. Some of the projects that are at the top of the list include:
-Added quarters for family members / multi-generational living
-Garage conversions
-Home office / studio
–Outdoor living / deck and patio spaces
–Bathroom addition
-Multi-use spaces, family room, basement
–Long term / aging-in-place design

Above: A kitchen with accessible design features improves functionality for homeowners with mobility challenges.
Home Sweet (Functional) Home
Is your home comfortably and efficiently serving all of your needs? Consider the following:
1. Where do you spend the majority of your time?
2. Do you have a private work space? Does it represent you well on virtual meetings?
3. Are you making the best use of the space you have?
4. Do you have enough space for all family members?
5. Would you like to better enjoy your outdoor living space?
High home values coupled with historically low interest rates make this a great time to explore how you can get the most out of your living space.
Ready to learn how your home can better serve you? Get in touch with Neil Kelly today.